Discover the Diagnostic Value & Efficiency of ClearRead™ Xray
Demonstration that shows how Riverain ClearRead Xray elminates bone structure from view
Demonstration that shows how Riverain ClearRead Xray elminates bone structure from view

ClearRead Xray with Clear Vision IntelligenceTM has a unique suppression feature that removes bones and machine noise for an unimpaired view to improve detection of nodules by 17% and 19% faster reads.*

  • Automatically improve the detection of one in six previously missed actionable nodules.*
  • The modality and PACS agnostic processing produce a bone suppressed image for every adult chest X-ray throughout the healthcare enterprise to drive consistency in patient care and image interpretation without the purchase of expensive equipment.
  • Automatically adjust the portable chest X-ray to improve the conspicuity of lines and tubes for faster reads and for clear and confident interpretation.
  • Seamless PACS integration allows readers to view ClearRead as an additional series in the patient study without the need for a separate application viewer or login to read studies quickly and intuitively for speed and accuracy.

See clearly. Decide confidently. Book a demo to learn more.

Learn more about ClearRead Xray

* Freedman, M.T., Lo, S.-C., Siebel, J.C., & Bromley, C.M. (2011). Lung Nodules: Improved Detection with Software That Suppresses the Rib and Clavicle on Chest Radiographs. Radiology, 260(1), 265-273. Doi: 10.1148/radiol.11100153.